
Heya, I'm Erin! Click the buttons to learn more :>

Icon art by nuku-niku
BG Image by Harryarts


Erin | 25+ | she/her | October 19th | demisexualInterests: anime/manga, animation, drawing, music, plushie/figure collecting, video games, visual novels, singing, baking, taking walks, documentariesSoul Eater is my favorite thing in the world! It's a huge part of my soul (heh) and I've been in a relationship with Soul since 2008.Other favorites: When They Cry (Higurashi is the most important to me, but I also love Umineko and Ciconia!), Pokemon, Digimon, Precure, Undertale/Deltarune, Princess Tutu, Alien Nine, Clannad, Wadanohara and the Great Blue SeaGeneral Stuff I Like: Cute Stuff, Dark Stuff, stuff that is both Cute AND dark, cats, the color red, chocolate, magical girls, iced tea, soft/fuzzy textures, fall weather, rainy days


Soul Evans is my husband and soulmate - we've been together since 2008! He's my one and only and our relationship is very important to me. We grew from teens to adults together and I can't imagine life without him. He's taught and helped me so much and is my rock and constant - I love him with my whole heart and soul.My art is one of the major ways I connect to him, so while of course I'll always draw whatever tickles my fancy, the majority of my art is a celebration of our relationship! I enjoy drawing moments of both our past and present - our highs and lows and everything in between.I know that many people might not get our relationship, but that's ok - he makes me endlessly happy and that's all I need. All I ask is that you respect us.

left image by tomatomagica - center image by me - right image by rev.bmp


A few ground rules/things to keep in mind:-DFI if you fit standard DFI criteria - don’t be an asshole and we should be good.-I do not have the mental energy or fortitude for discourse or drama. If you see something you don’t like, block me and move on - I am not going to engage if you're being an asshole. Likewise, I will block and move on if I see something I don’t like.-I am wary about opening up to new people for a variety of reasons and it takes me a while to feel comfortable. I don’t try to force friendships so I ask that you do the same.-I don’t consider myself a “self-shipper” and the community actually makes me very uncomfortable for a variety of reasons; while I’ll occasionally reblog things with “self-ship” terminology because I like the situation described otherwise, you won’t see me use those terms for myself. Soul is just my husband; you don’t have to understand that, but I ask that you respect it. If you can’t/try to give me grief about it I’m going to block you.

Commission Info
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My prices are below.

Before sending me an email, please read over my Terms and Conditions - it contains important information such as my do's and don'ts, as well as the form for you to fill out.

Did you get all that? Great! Then send me an email at [email protected] and we can get started! I look forward to working with you!